Train Nearly Crushes Two Kids
A group of kids are messing around at a train station. Just as a train approaches two of them push each other onto the tracks and literally avoid getting hit by the oncoming train by a couple of inches.
View ArticleGarage Door Vs Skater
This skater tries to catch his balance by grabbing the garage door. It does not go well.
View ArticleDumb Professiors and Kids
There are two professors arguing over which one had the dumber child. Each professor thinks his is the bigger idiot. The first professor yells “There is no way that your son is dumber. My son has to be...
View ArticleDude Wipes Out in Weight Room
This guy attempts to impress some chick in a hotel fitness room but a weight falls off the bar causing him to wipeout.
View ArticleKarate Fail
A guy tries to crack Coconuts with his bare hand live on danish tv and fails terribly. Source FagFails.com
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